SICT 2024
17 - 19 April, 2024
Surfaces, Interfaces and Coatings Technologies International conference
The SICT 2024 offers a great opportunity for scientists, researchers, and experts active in the field of surfaces and coatings science and technologies (Polymer, material and paint chemists, surface and interface scientists, formulators, designers and policy makers) from both academia and industry to present their newest research discoveries, share insights and exchange the latest ideas.
The conference provides an excellent opportunity for scientists from Europe and from all over the world to meet and discuss the latest advances in surfaces and coatings physics and chemistry, surface engineering/ modification, coatings deposition and functionalisation processes as well as the investigated properties and performances in related innovation fields such as heterogeneous catalysis, two-dimensional materials and graphene, bio-interfaces, nanoelectronics, bio-nanoscience, functional/energy materials, etc.
The conference topics include:
Surface treatments and coatings deposition and functionalization processes
Cold and Thermal spraying (PVD, CVD, ...), thermochemical, Electro- and electroless plating
Wet chemical and electrochemical processes such as plating, sol-gel coating, anodization,
Surfaces and coatings modelling and characterization
Interface and interaction science, adhesion, and adhesives
Surface nanoengineering, nano-coatings and Ultra-Thin Films
Graphene and carbon-based coatings/films
Multi-functional, composite/ hybrid, graded and multilayers coatings
Hydro-, ice- and oleophobic/philic surfaces
Smart surfaces and coatings, Self-healing, self-cleaning, … surfaces
Tribological coatings: friction performance, wear resistance (abrasion, erosion, fretting, etc)
Corrosion and oxidation resistance, Thermal protection and diffusion resistance,
Surface engineering/ coatings in sustainable energy, conversion, optical, electric, photovoltaic and magnetic applications
Bio-interfaces, Biomedical/ Bioactive surfaces and coatings