ACT 2020 the 3rd African Conference in Tribology
April 26-29, 2020 Dakar, Senegal,
website :
After the remarkable success of the 1st and 2nd African Conferences in Tribology in 2014 and 2017, we are happy to announce the 3rd African Conference in Tribology (ACT 2020) that will be held in Dakar, Senegal, April 26-29, 2020. This 3rd ACT will focus on current and future tribological challenges to be addressed by both academic and industrial researchers to improve our future. Such challenges include the impact of tribology on human health, the environmental impact of tribology, etc. Once again, strong interactions between the academy and industries from all over the world are expected.
This 3rd African Conference in Tribology will include a satellite forum on Biomechanics as a joint event.
Consequently, the program committee cordially invites research ideas in (but not limited to) the following suggested range of subjects:
Tribology in transportation, tribology in industry, tribology in the space environment, tribology in energy production, nano-scale tribology, local and global contact measurements, multi-scale and multi-physics modeling in tribology, smart tribology, and others.
Satellite Forum on Biomechanics:
Bio-materials, bio-mechanics, bio-medicine, bio-robotics, bio-sensors, bio-fluids and heat transfer, and clinical investigations.